2006 ----> 68
2007 (a 23 de noviembre) --->69
La ley de Violencia de Género aprobada el 28 de diciembre de 2004 parece no haber funcionado, como muchos ya vaticinábamos. Esto solo nos entristece más a aquellos que sabemos que la solución no está en requerir castigos más y más duros para los asesinos o agresores, sino en fomentar día a día la rebelión de la mujer, la denuncia del maltrato y su efectiva protección contra el maltratador. ¿Porque, cómo de dura puede ser la condena? ¿Con cuanta dureza puede castigar la ley estos actos criminales? ¿Es justo castigar estos asesinatos y homicidios con más severidad que cualquier otro? Es evidente que la víctima normalmente ha sufrido una larga tortura física y psicológica durante largos años antes de morir y ésto debe ser retribuido también, ¿pero hasta qué punto podemos? Esto no es más que la prueba de que un castigo más duro no conlleva una reducción de los actos criminales, sino que muchas veces los hacen más frecuentes ya que el cruel maltratador, en su absurda lógica, a sabiendas de que se le va a castigar duramente de todas formas, ya no tiene motivos para tener limitaciones en el maltrato. Y a medida que el número de muertas asciende y las noticias de las mismas riegan los oídos de las maltratadas, éstas pierden la escasa esperanza que les queda.
1 comentario:
In Portugal, the number of complains shrunk a lot since the new CPP was approved. Why? 'Cause all it happens is the man (or women who was violent)goes with the police to their station, signs a paper, promises to apper in court next day (ah-ah!) and throttles back home to his loving wife (whom he just beats a little more in the best case scenario).
So... the police doesn't always bother to register the occurrence because if they do, then they have to spend the entire next day in court waiting for the guy to show up - the new CPP says so. And he almost never does (what a shock!).
There are intervention programs design to help (lovely word!) these people to stop. Supposedly evidence based programs. The thing is, statistically speaking they work IF we cut out all the guys that didn't finish the program. And all the guys that didn't do their homework or adhered. Reasonable enough, right? If it weren't for the tinny little detail that the changes are observed (AH!) during 2 years (and most only last 6 glorious months)...
So yeah, I'm right there with you, no bigger punishment and no treatment will do (I know you didn't say anything about treatments, I did). It's either between treating them like they are kids by punishing them or treating them like they are adults by giving them the "responsibility" to stop...
As for the victims, in this particular case, they gain something from it, they are not totally innocent (not that they deserved it or asked for it, don't get me wrong), but they get to be the victim, the s.i.l.e.n.t victim, the martyr, the "hero" that endured all that. (No matter if someone offered real help or to get them out to a safe place to get a new start.) And this gratificates them somehow and is why the ones that never leave stay putt and don't hit back (even though some of the women I've known could knock their husbands down easily, but they didn't).
All this to say we are currently looking in the wrong direction, trying to mend instead of prevent.
And prevention starts early, "kindergarten-age-or-maybe-first-year-of life-age-early". Both for the perpetrators and the victims.
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